Saturday, April 23, 2016

Meet Ronald DeFeo Jr:
Ronald defeo.jpg 

Robert, also known as "Butch", was born September 26, 1951. He was an American mass murderer who was tried and convicted for the 1974 killings of his father, mother, two brothers, and two sisters.

DeFeo was the oldest of five children born to Ronald and Louise DeFeo, a successful car salesman and his wife. Ronald Sr. worked at his father-in-law's Brooklyn Buick dealership and provided the family with a comfortable, upper-middle-class lifestyle. But he also served as a domineering authority figure and engaged in hot-tempered fights with his wife and children. The most frequent target of abuse was their eldest child, Butch, of whom much was expected.

 It only got worse at school, where he was bullied for overweight issues and taunted by fellow classmates.

As Butch matured, he began lashing out physically against his father, as well as his few friends. His concerned family took him to a psychiatrist, but the visits didn't sit well with Butch, who denied that he needed help. The trips to the doctor stopped, and in their place the DeFeos used the incentive of cash and presents—including a $14,000 speedboat—in the hopes that the gifts would placate their troubled son. But the new tactic only made the problems worse; by the age of 17, Butch had become an LSD and heroin user and was expelled from school for his violent outbursts.

In spite of his academic setbacks, the DeFeos continued to reward their son. At the age of 18, Butch received a prized position at his grandfather's car dealership, with little to no expectations. He also earned a weekly stipend from his father, regardless of his attendance or job performance at work. Butch funneled this salary into his new car—another present from his parents—as well as guns, alcohol and drugs.

Butch's outbursts got so out of control that one day, during a hunting trip, he threatened his friend with a rifle. The next day he acted as if nothing had even happened.  He also attempted to shoot his father with a 12-gauge shotgun during a fight between his parents. Butch pulled the trigger at point-blank range, but the gun malfunctioned. His surprised father ended the argument, but was left stunned by the confrontation. The incident foreshadowed the more violent events to come.

- "Ronald DeFeo." A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2016.

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